Michele Stillinger

Senior Teaching Professor - Geology


  • Education
  • BSc University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN
    MA and PhD University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN

  • Research Interests
  • My professional interests include paleomagnetism, geology, earth system processes, biogeography, geochronology, and archaeology. I enjoy traveling and working in different countries, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures.


Teaching is my passion and the Dougherty Family College appealed to me as being a close community of educators dedicated to helping each student excel in their academic endeavors. The University of St. Thomas’ commitment to interdisciplinary inquiry, academic excellence, and working to advance the common good fit perfectly with my personal convictions.

I enjoy working with undergraduate students who are newly exploring the intricacies of the natural world and its influence on humanity (and vice versa). The first two years of college are a time of discovery, both academically and personally. My background in the physical and social sciences provides me with unique perspectives that help me teach students to see the connections between different fields of study and their role as responsible stewards of the planet and informed engaged citizens.
