Anna Kurhajec

Senior Teaching Professor - History


  • Education
  • PhD in History: University of Illinois

  • Research Interests
  • Modern US and Global History; Gender & Sexuality; Labor; Critical Race & Ethnicity; Transnational History; Gender and Colonialism
    Social movements; radical politics and revolution; Black freedom struggle; feminist thought; migration; popular culture; mass incarceration
    Restorative practices & abolition; building community-based & alternative institutions; organizational structure, social process & group dynamics


I can think of no better learning environment than the one we are building at Dougherty Family College. I am humbled to be able to learn and grow with such a powerful group of students and I am thrilled to be a part of this community. There is much work to do so we must get started; as the great Ella Baker said, “We who believe in freedom cannot rest.” I can’t wait to see what kind of world you will make!
